Playing in the Wind
As we get into the fall months in the state of Michigan, we all know the weather turns quickly. Playing golf in the book ends of the season will present us with more weather challenges. Wind is a condition most golfers underestimate. Playing into a headwind or down wind has an impact on club selection as well as the swing.
How many of you have played into a head wind and said to yourself, “The yardage is 140, but the wind is 10-15mph, so I am going to take 1 club more.” You do that and end up 15 yards short. Why?
The reason being it is human instinct to swing harder into the wind, even without knowing it. Whenever a golfer swings hard, more spin of the ball is created, which causes the ball to rise and get too high into the air and the wind knocks it down.
Spin is the enemy when playing in wind. As clubhead speed increases, so does spin. Resist the natural urge to hit the ball harder in the wind. My suggestion is this, the next time you are playing into a head wind, take 2 more clubs than usual and swing at 70% speed.
Swing Tips for playing a lower shot:
· Play the golf ball an inch farther back than usual
· Stand a little closer to the ball
· Take a three-quarter swing
· Have the feeling that your chest is staying more on top of the ball during the swing
· Get onto your lead side thru impact
· Feel a lower abbreviated finish thru the shot
When playing in the wind, your natural shot shape will be affected more. Hitting into the wind will curve the ball more to the left or to the right. So, if you play a draw and are hitting into a head wind your golf ball will draw more than usual. The opposite is true playing downwind, the golf ball goes straighter than usual.
Remember, there is no such thing as a one club wind. Golfers overestimate the effect wind will have when playing downwind and underestimate playing in a headwind.